Monday, March 31, 2008

Where's my mommy?

Hello all, I have commandeered the blog for the night. I have an issue to discuss, the disappearance of one of my humans. I am not sure where she went, but I did see a dark car with tinted windows come and whisk her away the other day.

I expected her to come home later that night like she usually does, but it has been a couple of days now and I'm starting to worry. Don't get me wrong, I'm liking the extra room in the bed, but in the long run two humans are better than one.

I am feeling slightly neglected in this one human situation I now find myself in. I only get to watch one human get rained on in the bathroom in the morning, only get half the head rubs, and definitely get way less treats. I hope my secondary human makes a safe and speedy return from where ever she has disappeared to. Until then I will maintain my new residence on the lonely pillow on the bed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Is he really sleeping on my pillow! Now its going to smell....