Monday, March 24, 2008

Goodbye Mr. Abominable, and good riddance!

I'm glad to inform everyone public enemy number 2, Mr. Abominable, has been retired to the attic by the humans for the season. Thank the kitten gods! Besides Tang (public enemy number 1), I have never met a more annoying, loud, or terrifying object in my life.

Why my humans ever brought that thing home is unknown to me. And oh, how my humans loved to torture me with him! I could be sitting on the couch minding my own business, dreaming of chipmunks, cat grass and my inevitable election as the president of this household next November, when I'd be ripped out of my reverie by the horrific sound of howling wind and Yeti screams.

To make matters worse, it sings. Yes, SINGS. Nothing says Merry Cat-mas like a caroling Yeti. Honestly, who invents these things? Humans just make no sense to me. I think I'm going to start designing my own Cat-mas collectible line. If anyone has a connection, drop me a line...I want my own Cat-mas action figures by 2009.

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