Monday, March 17, 2008

They say it's my birthday....

Boy I wish I were like Tang and could chug down a beer to drown away my many sorrows stemming from this thing called aging. Who invented this getting old idea? My claws and I would like to have a brief word with them.

Let me tell you, my body is starting to fail me. I went to sleep last night able to see a mouse in a dark room 30 feet away. Today I woke up and I swear I'm lucky if I can even see 29 1/2 feet in the dark. My eyes are failing me and I'm sure this is only the beginning. Oh woe is me. I swear my bladder will start going next. I'm sure my humans will love that. Next I'll be living in my own filth only one step up from an alley cat.

Tang has no sympathy for me. He just doesn't get it, flaunting his youth in my face. Showing his spry agility every chance he gets. He drinks like a fish and doesn't gain an I loathe him. Look at him over there, drinking a beer for St. Patrick's day, enjoying life with out a care in the world. I swear he is laughing at me behind my back.

Just you wait Tang. Life will catch up with you soon my friend, then we'll see who is laughing. When you're as old as me, we'll see if you are still interested in prancing around as Lepratang without a care in the world. Let me tell you, I doubt it.

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