Wednesday, March 12, 2008

New York here we come!

Hey all, Tang here. I decided to write the blog to give Bucket a bit of a break. Big news! Today Fuzzbucket and I received our invitation to our human aunt's wedding. We are so excited to go. As you can see, I have taken up yoga to get my body in shape for my tux, it is black tie you know. I call the position pictured above, "Stretching cat." Hopefully my yoga, mixed with a sensible diet (I'm cutting out all the treats) will allow me to cut back on my fat parts. Maybe they will even let me be the ring bearer. Fuzzbucket is vying for the flower girl position. I keep trying to tell her she will crash and burn as flower girl due to the lack of a simple evolutionary trait I like to call opposable thumbs. But hey, I guess the girl can dream. O.K. time to get back to work. My fat isn't going to trim itself, I'll be looking like a kitten again in no time. Until next time.

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