Thursday, March 27, 2008

You are getting very sleepy

Look into my eyes, watch me carefully. You are getting very sleepy. Relax your body starting at your toes, feel the stress and anxiety melting away. I will count down from 10 and when I'm done you will be completely under my contro...I mean completely relaxed.

10... wiggle those toes then let them rest...9...tense your calves and release...8...flex your quads and hamstrings feel the stress letting go...7...take a nice deep breath, inhale deeply....6...exhale the bad air...5...close your eyes...4...imagine you are in a meadow...3...picture the field mice dancing around, squeaking, scurrying...2...find one of those field mice and take it in your hand... and now we come to...1...take that mouse by the tail, give it a few quick twirls around your head and bring it to me. Next I want you to go to the pet store and get me a bottle of tuna flakes. Sprinkle those delicious morsels on that dry kibble crap you call "food", I need something to make that stuff palatable.

[internal monologue] can I maximize my benefits from this hypnosis? I know...

Upon waking you will remember nothing of this experience, however, from this point on, every time I jump on your lap you will scratch me behind my ears. Every time I meow, you will go to the cupboard and open me up a fresh can of tuna and if you ever see me sleeping you will hunt for Tang and dispose of him.

Now you will hear me count back up from 1, when I reach 10 you will awaken and have no recollection of this encounter. 1...feel yourself waking up...2...imagine the sun rising in the morning...3...wiggle your fingers and toes...4...5...6...feel your body getting heavier...7...8...picture yourself driving to the store to pick up tuna flakes...9...think about interesting ways to capture and dispose of Tang...10...and you are back.

Thanks for your cooperation ::meow::

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