Sunday, March 9, 2008

Who turned off the lights?

Wind, rain, darkness, and noise. What is going on in this house?!? Hello everyone. So, apparently my humans are so incompetent they can't keep the electricity on during a simple torrential downpour with hurricane force winds. WIMPS! I heard the generator going, why couldn't I get a little juice for my TV? There was an all new Planet's Funniest Animals I wanted to catch. Oh sure, let's put that generator on to keep the water out of the basement and garage. LAME! Let's get our act together people! The next time I'm left in the dark, I expect it to last 3 hours less and require at least a portable DVD player for entertainment. Let's get on the horn humans and get an electrician here pronto to fix the problems you obviously had yesterday. Don't think of disappointing me again.

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