Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sympathy pains

Here I sit writhing in pain, clutching my abdomen with my paws as if it will take away the discomfort and stop the heaving I can't seem to control.

Hello all, I myself am feeling well, however, the same can not be said for one of my human keepers. I am trying to have sympathy and imagine how she must feel, hence my act noted in the picture above. Honestly, I think she is just faking it. I believe she is just looking for a cover story so she has an excuse to play with the water in that water bowl they call a toilet. Boy that water bowl is fun.

Most of the time they save it all for themselves, but periodically they accidentally leave it open and that is when I have my fun. Today was one of those lucky days for me. My human, being in her "sick" state, must have forgotten to close the lid, so it was party time.

Today I was able to test the buoyancy of my various toys. Fuzzy mouse sinks while my rubber ball floats. Maybe later I can lure Tang in and see how he fares. I'm hoping he's a sinker and that I can get the lid to close on him. Oh, that would be the day. Then all I'd have to figure out is how those humans make the water disappear. I'm thinking it has something to do with that silver handle, I'll have to test it out.

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