Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sushi night

MMMM...the deliciousness of sushi, how I love it. My human was extra nice to us today. She must have felt guilty that she left us alone all day because when she came home she had a special treat for Tang and me. You've got it, tuna sushi. There's nothing better.

We couldn't wait to chow down on our slabs of tuna. Both of us were having a little trouble with the big hunk of meat. Tang actually took his in his mouth and ran around the kitchen and living room for a hot minute. Our human was not too happy about that.

She finally got a clue and helped us out by cutting our fish into nice little cubes. She should know by now, we expect service. How dare she not cut our food into little pieces in the first place? What does she think we are, wild animals? Oh, friends, there are no saber tooth tigers here. Though the jury is still out on Tang, he does have quite the primitive brain if you ask me, and a bite that sure does smart.

Though we are not wild animals, we definitely are not as refined as some felines I have seen while surfing the web. Check out this crazy cat, her human makes me appreciate the two I have. Jeez.

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