Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Crazy kitten in the house

This new crazy kitten in the house is not as welcome as our humans thought it might be. I have been tolerating the intrusion because I see the value in courting a potential vote. Don't get me wrong, if the little fur ball gets too close, I let him know who's boss.

Tang is still scared to death of the little guy. I'm not too sure why, he is about half our size and has a puffy tail. Who can take a fluffy cat seriously? It's like he is a fluffy toy. Maybe Tang will warm up to him soon. I hope so, because I miss my late night trips to the upstairs bathroom. Since the little one arrived, we've had to make the long trek down the 13 steps just to drink and pee. The trip may be helping my waist line, but it sure is killing my hips.

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