Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Fuzz is knocking but no one is home

Hello all, sorry for my inability to pry Tang away from the computer the last couple of days. He was insistent on telling his plight. For those who care, he is still crusty and bald, but dealing with his situation pretty well.

As for me, I was doing well with my much needed vacation from the blog until recent events unfolded. The beautiful weather we've been having has allowed me to go out with my humans for long periods of time. Sadly, today was not the best outdoor experience for me.

It all started out well, the chipmunks were scurrying, the birds flying, and the squirrels squirreling, there wasn't even a cloud in the sky. Then my human decided to go inside and left me for a bit by myself. Nothing wrong with that, I'm all about a little independence.

It is what happened next that gets my fur all in a bunch, the phone rang. Normally this small incident would not have bothered me at all, however, shortly after the phone rang my human got in the car and left the property. HELLO! I can't get into the house on my own, I HAVE NO OPPOSABLE THUMBS!!!!

I was forgotten like a piece of trash. The pure neglect was enough to make me want to cry. There Tang was, standing on the other side of the door taunting me with my favorite toys while all I could do was stare back. I've never felt so powerless in my life.

One hour later my humans returned. I made sure I ran to the front door to remind them I existed and needed to be let back inside. I mewed my most pathetic cries to make sure they understood my disappointment in them. They must have gotten the message because they went out and got me my snazzy sailor collar you can see me wearing in the picture posted above.

Next time, we have to make sure it is Tang on the other side of the door. I'm pretty sure if I can get my humans to forget him outside, he would do something stupid and be out of my life forever. That would be the day.

1 comment:

Kris said...

Dear Fuzz-bucket,

This is an outrage! You need to call DYFS, or its equivalent in your state, right away. Child neglect is a crime... you could have died for all they care. You could have been pecked to death or swooped down on by one of those intolerable hawks... Or worse yet, you could have come face to face with a wild ugly! Just the thought of the perils you were exposed to makes us want to take you away from the abusive and neglectful home you have the misfortune of inhabiting. Shame on your irresponsible humans. When we are there this weekend, we will leave a space for you in our bag. The option is on the table if you decide to take us up on it.

Good luck in the coming days... Be strong, our thoughts and prayers are with you.