Monday, April 21, 2008

You mess with Fuzz and yout get the claws

Look here Kris, you promise me an escape to a land called New York City, where there are vermin hiding in every corner for me to hunt. What were you thinking when you showed up with this poor excuse of a travel bag? Can you even fit a pair of undies in there?

If you are going to make promises, you best be able to deliver. I'm Fuzzbucket, I don't easily forget. I will keep this in mind for your next visit. You know that man you love so much? Keep in mind he's allergic to me.

I swear if you ever pull something like this again, I will blast him with a dander ball that is liable to send him into anaphylactic shock. Hear me now missy, you better bring an epi-pen along with you from now on because Bucket will have her revenge. Check below if you don't believe me.

Tang crossed me on Saturday. He stole my marshmallow when I was promised chocolate-less smores by my humans. Now he has a winky eye. I don't mess around people, I mean business. You mess with Fuzz, you get the claws. I even drew a little blood from him. Just imagine what I could do to your fur-less skin.

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