Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Yay, I have a fan...

Thank you "Flag" for posting a comment yesterday! It makes me happy to know people are actually reading my frivolous drivel. Though I have met you before "Flag", and know your real name, I will respect your anonymity. You can never be too careful on the internet these days. By the way, I enjoy your blog very much, kudos. Your writing obviously puts mine to shame, but hey, I'm just a cat.

I have petitioned my humans for a release to this place you call "DC." It sounds like a glorious retreat. Do the mice really roam free? I haven't had many free range mice in my life. My humans tend to steal them away from me before I can devour them. The mice I'm most familiar with come from a plastic box and smell like cat nip. Not too shabby, but nothing compares to a fresh meal.

I am also a huge fan of this torture chamber you have set up for the mice. Do they die a slow painful death? I truly hope so. I most enjoy mice when they squeak and squeal.

I've found they don't like it when you use your claws. I sharpen mine just for that occasion. Tang has mastered walking around the house with them in his mouth. I don't like this method, the mice play dead, mice are no fun playing dead. Dead mice squeak no tales.

A vacation from The Orange Menace can not come soon enough. A break from him might help defer some of the negative publicity our recent snuggle incident spurred. Hopefully my humans will get back to me soon regarding my requested leave. Until then, I will dream of this paradise land of D.C.

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