Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Time to get the bikini body...

The trees are budding and the frogs are peeping. All this new outdoor growth and fresh new life have reminded me the bikini season is approaching quickly. It's time I whipped myself into shape. My belly has been hanging quite low to the floor lately.

What's a svelte kitten like myself to do? Well, if you must ask, I have taken to 10 reps of stairs every 12 hours for starters. Later I plan on incorporating sprints, and eventually long runs into my repertoire. I may use Tang as a chasing partner, but right now, I think it's best I leave him out of my plans. It's bad enough I was caught sidling up to him yesterday. I think it would be best if we lay low to minimize the gossip for now.

Here's to a new spring/summer season. I hope I can get in shape in time!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Fuzzbucket you should come to DC and eat my mice!! I have lots!! Very tasty! And right now I just electrocute them (with a Humane Society certified trap) so they'd be much better off eaten. How's about a long weekend away from that Orange Menace?