Thursday, January 17, 2008

Will it ever stop?

Day 2 of interrupted sleep. The bags are forming under my eyes. I believe Tang is helping the humans ruin my life, why else would he not follow my command to chew the power source to that putrid contraption? Here I sit, an empty shell of my former self, fur long over due for a preening while Tang is chipper and full of
life. How does that boy get by with such little sleep? Tang claims it's his new exercise regime that gives him all his energy. I think it's all the cat nip he sniffs.
Look at him over there, practicing his football skills, as if he even has a chance of making a team. He makes me sick.
Now it's time to get back to what was so heartlessly robbed from me earlier today.
Remember, there is no hope for a civilization which starts each day to the sound of an alarm clock.

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