Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Is it time for an intervention?

It has come to my attention my nemesis Tang is weaker than I previously suspected. This bodes well for my campaign for the Presidency of the Cat-house. Not only does he engage in questionable behavior with my humans, but I now have proof he also hits the bottle, and on a regular basis. We won't even get into how often he has been getting into the nip lately.

Exhibit A
Here you see a picture of Tang engaging in an activity I call, double pawing. This is just the beginning. Later that evening I found Tang in a different part of the house indulging in a little nectar of the gods.

Exhibit B

Of course all this imbibing lead to questionable fashion taste which leads us to...

Exhibit C

My fellow Kitizens, is this the kind of leader you would want ruling over your house? No I say! In November, remember to vote Fuzzbucket for president. Say no to Alcoholic, nip hitting Presidential candidates with questionable fashion sense. Fuzzbucket '08.

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