Saturday, January 19, 2008

Oh happy day!

My loyal followers, I have glorious news to share with you! Today I believe I won the battle against the alarm clock. For the first time in a long while my day was not jump-started by the shrill shrieking of the machine. To add to the bonus, my humans have not yet abandoned me for the day. I was even able to convince them to scratch behind my ears and rub my stomach for over an hour this morning. It's amazing how easy it is to command them to do your bidding. Never underestimate the power of dilated pupils and a few head butts. This pampering is something I can get used to. I hope every day can be like this from now on. I like these things called weekends, I wish they were everyday. I feel like I'm a little kitten again, spending the days with my humans while sleeping with my teddy bears.Those were the days. I was the only cat in the household. I ran the place. I had first pick of the food and no competition for snuggle space. Oh how I miss those phenomenal days of yesteryear. Now I share my space with the messy, stinky, annoying Tang. Ever since he stepped into my house, life as I knew it changed. His sickening adorableness has been encroaching on my lifestyle since day one.One day perhaps my prayers will be answered and I will forever be rid of him. Until then, I will have to just up my cuteness
tang, how about trying this pose on for size?

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