Friday, January 18, 2008

I concede...

I'm not one to readily admit defeat, but alas, it seems my prayers will not be answered on this issue. Today was day three of my terrible ordeal. I believe the alarm clock is here to stay. Sadly I must admit my body is starting to deal with my sleeplessness. Today I actually saw two and a half hours of daylight, and I must say Tang and the humans might not have been totally wrong. I now realize I have been missing some very interesting things by sleeping most of the day. Did you know that there are huge ugly birds who think they can just hang out in MY backyard? I think I heard my humans refer to them as "wild turkeys" I will call them "wild uglies" because man, I haven't seen anything like them before. If my humans only allowed me to go outside alone...I'd sharpen my claws on Mr. Ugly's face. How dare he parade in front of me! Doesn't he know I have a weakness for feathers? But let's get away from my desire to slice and dice the turkey...I mean the ugly. I have now decided I will start using this early to rise mentality work in my favor. I will start to use my extra time to build my campaign to win the presidency of the cat house. Tang won't even know what hit him! Remember kids, vote Fuzzbucket in 2008.

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