Saturday, January 26, 2008


Today I was so excited. Another weekend had begun without the diabolical sounds of the alarm clock. I was certain my humans and I would have a great time snuggling in front of the glowing magical window, catching up on images they call DVR shows and perhaps starting a cozy fire in the fireplace. To my horror, my humans had other plans in mind. Instead of snuggling in bed for hours, my humans got out early and into the horrific rain storm they call the "shower". I knew immediately something was amiss. I heard them speaking of catching something called a train. I don't know who they think they are, but I've seen them try to catch mice and let me tell you, if trains are anything like mice, I don't think they stand a chance at catching one. After staring out the window for what seemed like an eternity, Tang and I realized we were fending for ourselves today. We checked our food situation, the rations left by our humans seemed pretty scarce. Luckily I had saved some delicious grass just for an occasion like this.
After hour 11 of our abandonment the pain of hunger, and sheer disappointment in my humans had worn me down. I was beside myself, how could they do this to me? How am I supposed to go on from here? Without snuggles, treats and head rubs, life isn't worth living. Oh woe is me.
Just when I though all hope was lost, and that my humans had forgotten me forever, I heard a familiar sound. What is that you might ask? It was tires coming down the driveway. At last, my humans had returned. Thank goodness, I was afraid I was going to have to eat Tang to survive.

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