Monday, January 14, 2008

Here I sit broken hearted....

Alas, the best time of the year has come to an end. What time is that you might ask? Tang and I refer to it as Catmas. Our humans each year set up a huge tree in our honor and hang hundreds of our favorite toys from it's branches, oh how I love those toys. I heard my human say some of them have been in our family for years. Imagine, my humans are so generous they offer me some of their most prized possessions. I know how much my humans love seeing me play with them because they get so excited. They offer me the salutations I hear so often such as "STOP!" "Don't chew that!" and "NO CLAWS!" I've learned these are code words humans use to engage you in a game of tag. I obviously know this because every time they shout them, they start to chase me. Boy do I love tag. I make sure I entice my humans to play with me at least 3 times a night, they need to get away from the glowing fake window they constantly stare at. Well, I have to get one of my humans moving, they have been staring at the glowing window for hours...I don't see what is so exciting about watching humans in black robes judging people while wielding hammers, who is this Judge Judy anyway, and how can I possess her power? I will have to enlighten my human to the exciting job of making sure no mice squeeze into the house. Staring at the same hole in the wall for hours, now that is what I call excitement.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is one cute kitten!