Monday, January 28, 2008

Blogging wears a cat out

My loyal fans, I trust I have kept you entertained up to this point. Let me tell you, I never knew I could possibly acquire this many followers. This blogging gig has been quite the adventure. It requires me to do more than just lay around the house all day. Now I must actually use my brain for more than just plotting the overthrow of Tang. I must say I have greatly improved my typing skills. I thank the wonderful people at Gibbs for standing by the phones, taking my call and taking a chance on a cat when I called to sign up for that computer class.
Sad news folks. I may have some trouble getting updated shots of Tang for future blogs. He has wised up to what I am doing and refuses to allow me to shame him mercilessly on the net. This last attempt shows him hiding his face in shame.
Suck it up Tang. Haven't you ever heard the expression by Brendan Behan, "There is no such thing as bad publicity...except your own obituary." Get over yourself, at least I'm letting you live...for now.

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