Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.

My loyal followers, I trust the day has treated you well. My day would have been more enjoyable if not for the detestable human invention I have heard my humans refer to as an "alarm clock". What imbecile came up with this idea?!? All I know is I was minding my own business, nestled warmly under the covers between my two human captors, deep in a glorious dream filled with piles of cat nip and hundreds of chipmunks running around for me to chase, when the most hideous cacophony blared out from beyond our reach. I was ripped from my slumber, my covers stripped off of me, and was practically squashed by my humans. What torture this machine can instill. I was only in hour 22 of my siesta. Why do humans consistently do this to themselves? Once my fur settled down from the shock, and I licked myself back into a calm zen-like state, the sound returned, forcing my tail to poof, claws to splay and hair to stand on end but once again. What is this snooze button and how can it be annihilated? Needless to say this horrific start to my day set me back big time. I was forced to squeeze all my eating, drinking, toileting, dust-ball chasing, and bird watching into 45 min today to make up for my lost 15 mins of sleep this morning. I wonder how to avoid this situation tomorrow....hmmm....Tang has an affinity for chewing on wires, maybe I can use his blatant stupidity in my favor....something to ponder, but for now ::yawn:: sleep.

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