Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Now that is what I call a bed...

Tonight I will be brief. I am sleepy and don't have much time to blog. However, I will say my humans bought what I believe is a very large, and amazingly comfy cat bed sometime ago. Tang thought he had dibs on it, but sadly the humans ended up locking it in the basement. I am working up a plan to take over the large cat bed. I have been studying the weaknesses of the basement door and I think if I lose just 1/2 a pound I will be able to sneak my sleek frame under the door. (There is a sizable gap people, I'm not one of those bulimic kitties that chucks up their kibble every chance they get!). Once I'm under I believe I can claim the glorious bed my humans have named the super sac. They say they got it from a place called Costco. I need to visit this store. If the cat bed they bought is any indication, I bet I'd be able to get a 2 pound cat nip mouse. Boy, if they have that I think I might be in love with this thing called warehouse shopping.

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