Monday, January 21, 2008

Home Improvements

Today I convinced my humans their sun room was in dire need of an upgrade. They were being lazy, and were complaining of something I'm not familiar with called cramps. I assured them they were being wimps. With my help and new found expertise in the art of tiling, we would get some much needed work done. I sent my humans to The Home Depot to get me the supplies. When they came home I instructed them to rip up all the old tile and clean up the mess.
I taught my humans how to pick the tiles. I like to sit on them first to make sure all the surfaces have the same texture.
Once I had the tiles picked, I placed them neatly in rows with spacers between them. This one is a little crooked, let me just push it in place...there we go, perfect line.After a hard day of working, this is what we have to show for our efforts. I see this is going to be a week long project, but I'm glad they finally started getting their acts together.After all that supervising and tile adhesive sniffing, it's time for a much deserved nap.

1 comment:

Kats_Kritters said...

You are a very beautiful cat!