Saturday, April 26, 2008

What the Punk?

Who is this new menace in our midst? My humans call this new addition to the household Ragamuffin. He is a terror comparable to Tang but perhaps a little more enjoyable. His one saving grace is he actually terrifies Tang to the point of hiding. Come to think of it, I'm kind of liking little Rags for the moment. Any kitty who can keep Tang in a corner can potentially be my friend.


Kris said...

Uh oh... The cuteness factor in that house has just been increased tenfold.

Unknown said... you guys really want to become those weird ladies with all of the cats....

Unknown said...

this from the girl who lives in the compound....and by now you should already know caro is that girl

Caroline said...

hey...hey...hey...cuteness factor increased tenfold??? What the heck? Who am I, Quasimodo? I take offense to that jen. Also, how dare you allude to my humans as "Weird". This coming from the lady living in choice I might add.