Sunday, April 13, 2008

I'm a little crusty....

Hello all, Tang here. Since Fuzzy has neglected her duties to her loyal followers, I have decided I will keep you abreast of recent events. This weekend our humans left us to fend for ourselves while they went to visit the mini monster humans Chetty-pie (a.k.a. Chester) spoke of back in March.

While the humans were gallivanting across the country, their fuzzy children yearned for some affections back at home. During their disappearance we received correspondence from Chester, and were dismayed to find the affections we have grown to love were being commandeered by our supposed friend. I always knew that furry feline was trouble. Like I always say, you can't trust a cat that lives in a compound, they tend to be shady, scrappy, alley type cats.

To add insult to injury, somehow while our humans were gone I managed to get some sticky substance on the fur of my right front leg. I'm not sure where it came from, but I believe it could potentially be some vestige of the toxic glue from the bridal shower invitation envelopes Fuzzy slaved over the other day. All I do know is I have been licking my leg raw for the past couple of days and have made no progress in the cleansing department.

When our wayward humans finally returned they noticed my plight, and in their defense, they did attempt to rectify the situation. However, I'm sad to admit, since they assisted me by scrubbing my leg with the deliciously scented rose petal kitten shampoo, not much progress has been made in the crusty fur department.

Maybe tomorrow they will listen to my plea and will assist me with some astringent, or at least some goo remover. I see the man with the beard advertise a great product on the glowing window my humans stare at most nights. He swears it removes any gooey product from any material. At this point I'm willing to try anything, short of chewing off my leg, to remove this crud from my fur. Every time I bring it up they throw around meaningless words like carcinogenic and mortality. I don't think they understand the importance of a silky coat. Until next time, Tang.

1 comment:

Kris said...

You could always shave it! Don't you know that bald patches are all the rage these days? Nothing says sexy rebel like mange...