Thursday, April 3, 2008

Have you ever smelled Heaven with the feathers?

Attention my followers, I have some bad news. Tang has officially ruined my favorite play toy. My feather wand has been plucked clean. How can he be so disrespectful? I have never messed with his prized possession "crusty mouse."

At first Tang tried to deny his part in the feather wand destruction, but the pictures tell the whole story.

Look at him, so brazenly chomping on the feathers, like he owns them. He makes me sick! I'm going to take crusty mouse and teach Tang a lesson. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet, but I'll make him pay. If anyone has any ideas please post them below.
I hope he chokes on those feathers. That might make this whole situation a little better. I hate Tang.


Unknown said...

kick him below the belt

Caroline said...

He doesn't wear a belt