Friday, February 1, 2008

Put your Fuzz in a box...

Have any of you ever realized just how much fun a box can be? Why do humans throw these things out?!? When I was a little kitten, I couldn't wait for my humans to go to the place they call the grocery store. They would come home with very fun crunchy bags and all the boxes a kitten could want. It was like my birthday and Catmas all rolled into one. Now that I'm running for the Presidency, I'm not wasting my time frolicking carefree through piles of paper and boxes. However, I will say, if elected I will guarantee all the free boxes and bags a cat could ever want. This guarantee of course excludes Tang because as we learned the other day, he disregards the cat code and therefore no longer fully qualifies as one of us. Tang, you just can't trust him. Fuzzbucket '08.

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