Monday, April 6, 2009

I defend my turf...

Let there be no mistake here my loyal followers, I mean business. I'm not sure what the heck my humans were thinking, but they allowed evil little human spawns into my Bucket Lair. I had a happy situation here for 3 years. Quiet, relaxing, cats out numbering humans 3 to 2, It was paradise. My humans must have had a stroke or something because for the past 3 days it has been total bedlam. The cat to human ratio has been thrown way off, humans out numbering cats 5 to 3. Don't even get me started on Mr. Ragamuffin, consorting with the enemy, aiding and abetting, doing everything in his power to diminish the power of cats in the eyes of the humans.I could not let my good aloof cat reputation go down in a fiery wreck like this. I had to lay down the law. After bearing being tormented by the evil twins for what seemed like a lifetime, I just had to unleash my Fuzzy-bucket rapid fire double claw action wrath on his most vulnerable spot, I was aiming for the eyes, but he turned at the last moment.
Above you see my handy work, my left hook got him across the right side of the face. I drew a bit of blood by piercing his ear. Nothing is more empowering than feeling your sharpened claws digging into the flesh of your new found enemy.

I hear talk that the unwanted human guests will be departing tomorrow, I hope that my fine handy work might have had something to do with it. I hope for the sake of the cat house they will not be coming back anytime soon. If they do, I will have my claws ready.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What's this?

Fe Fi Fo Fim, I smell the blood of some stinky vermin. Hello guests. I see you have decided to join the hunt. I have been working hard for the last hour. I successfully chased a little mouse onto one of the cooking units the humans have all around the house. Very convienent and thoughtful if you ask me. I wonder if any other cats have these warm contraptions at their disposal. I do wish they got a little hotter though because I do prefer my critters more on the crispy side. Too bad my humans are tightwads, what is this heating oil and how do I acquire some so I can properly grill my meals?

I was doing just fine, periodically poking at my "fast food", have you seen those little buggers run? Sorry for my digression, anyway, I was poking my meal making sure it was behaving when the new bain of my existance arrived. I don't know what Ragamuffin was thinking or who he even thought he was, but I had put some good hard work into this project and I was not about to back off my find. That is when things starting going horribly awry. As soon as the white fluff ball showed up, my dinner jumped from it's spot on my grates and started running down the cooker.
Ragamuffin cornered him at the end, but this was one smart meal, it must have been to play dead and fool me for so long. When it got to the end it elevated itself off my heating plates and remained still. Ragamuffin got between me and the mouse and that is when it all went downhill for me. Rags threw a mean right hook and dislodged the critter from it's perch. Remember how fast they are? Well, all I can say is that thing took off like Tang when he has to use the litter box. It only took Rags a few seconds to pounce and trap the vermin. But what happend next, I'm still trying to get over it.
That little scoundrel claimed that mouse for himself and ran all over the house with it. My human was chasing him around trying to open doors, telling him to "GET OUT", why won't she open doors for me? Why is Rags so darn special? The worst part is, after all that hard work, Rags got distracted and like an idiot, let all my work run away into the wall. My human was not pleased. Oh well, I guess this just means there's more fun to be had later. I'll keep you posted on further attempts.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Coming at you live from the Blizzard of '09...

Kitty-orologist Fuzzbucket coming at you live from blustery Connecticut. After examining the sky from my warm house, I can say with some certainly, it has officially stopped snowing. I know, I am quite talented. It does take a very keen and well trained eye to deduce such information.Tang dove right into the fluffy stuff, doing his best impression of a wild cat on the prowl. I think I've seen this pose before on the cover of Cat Fancy. He seemed to enjoy himself, even burried his head right into the blisteringly cold crystals.

Me on the other hand, I'm not a fan of this "snow". It makes my paws tingle and stands my fur on end. It crunches between my toes and I am afraid of this Jack Frost fellow my humans speak of. Do they really think he'll be nipping at my nose? Watch out Jack, I have amazing reflexes and I bet my nip can get your nose before you get mine. How would you like to walk around with a mangled mess in the middle of your face? Not sounding quite so appealing? Maybe you should think about your pasttime then, don't deal it out if you can't handle a taste of your own medicine.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Consider me a fat cat...

Hello all, sorry for not communicating sooner. I'm still recovering from Fat Tuesday. Let me tell you, I was one busy little dirty kitty. Look at all my beads! I worked my little tail off for these beauties. I never understood the whole tradition, but this year I figured what the heck, let's live on the wild side for once. I met up with this alley cat, Mr Lickums, and we ironically finagled a way to "ride the dog" all the way to New Orleans (that's took a Greyhound bus for those of you not in the know). Tang would have been in heaven, there was beer spilling EVERYWHERE! It was a whirlwind trip, many details are still a little cloudy, but I made it home safe and sound and I have my beads to dangle and tease little Ragamuffin from now until eternity.

Monday, February 23, 2009

I've got the gunz...

Hello there Bucket! Remember me? It's Tang, your arch nemesis. Hope things are going well for you there, because I have acquired a most amazing product from the thing the humans call the world wide web. I have gained access to the very secret inter web site known to the smart, as e-bay. Us in the know, have realized it's immense potential. I have obtained a very dangerous item the humans refer to as, "The Atomic ball gun." Only $5.99 with $3 shipping. This artisan crafted object of beauty will be my savior during the period I will from here on in refer to as, "The time of Fuzzy's past." It guarantees my success by annihilating all furry beasts such as yourself. Only those I deem acceptable for life (such as my buddy Ragamuffin) will be granted asylum in my new kingdom. Good luck Fuzzbucket! You are no match for my glowing plastic force of death! Mwahahahahahhhh!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Here's looking at you Fuzz...

Hey there Fuzzbucket, self appointed ruler of all things cats. It's me, Ragamuffin and my sidekick Tang. We have a bone to pick with you. We are sick of you strutting around thinking your litter don't stink. Yeah, I said it. Well you know what Bucket? Sadly, you're right. Stupid humans got that new world's best litter crap. But that's besides the point. You know what I mean. You think you are all high and mighty. Well you know what? Tang and I are great climbers. Let's see how mighty you are when we double team sneak attack your fuzzy butt. Why do you have the name Fuzzbucket anyway? If anything I should be the fuzzbucket, look at my beautiful flowing long silky smooth and soft...I mean, rugged, manly, dirt laden tail. Yeah, what the heck is with the name Ragamuffin anyway. Muffin, really? Am I something for people to eat? Anyway, names aside, if I were you Bucket, I'd always be looking over my shoulder. You never know when a coup is going to rise up and overthrow the ruling power. Consider this a warning, be afraid. Be very afraid!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Do you smell something?

Something stinks in my living quarters. I'm not referring to the hairless mole rat imitators I live with, aka humans. I'm talking about the one and only Ragamuffin. Ever since that long hair creature entered the scene, my life has been a living hell. Fur ball tumbleweeds blowing across the floor, late night pounce fests when all I want to do is sleep. I think Ragamuffin might have even been the one that sold me out to the humans regarding my desire to rule the world.

Look at that sickening face there. He plays the cute card every chance he gets. Playing with the heart strings of the humans, he has them in the center pad of his little paw. He is my kryptonite. His mere existence causes my fur to stand on end. He is the prime example of the downfall of the cat name, all friendly and cuddly, not at all aloof. He makes me sick. The house would be a better place without Ragamuffin in it. Tang doesn't agree, but Tang isn't worth my spit.