Monday, April 6, 2009

I defend my turf...

Let there be no mistake here my loyal followers, I mean business. I'm not sure what the heck my humans were thinking, but they allowed evil little human spawns into my Bucket Lair. I had a happy situation here for 3 years. Quiet, relaxing, cats out numbering humans 3 to 2, It was paradise. My humans must have had a stroke or something because for the past 3 days it has been total bedlam. The cat to human ratio has been thrown way off, humans out numbering cats 5 to 3. Don't even get me started on Mr. Ragamuffin, consorting with the enemy, aiding and abetting, doing everything in his power to diminish the power of cats in the eyes of the humans.I could not let my good aloof cat reputation go down in a fiery wreck like this. I had to lay down the law. After bearing being tormented by the evil twins for what seemed like a lifetime, I just had to unleash my Fuzzy-bucket rapid fire double claw action wrath on his most vulnerable spot, I was aiming for the eyes, but he turned at the last moment.
Above you see my handy work, my left hook got him across the right side of the face. I drew a bit of blood by piercing his ear. Nothing is more empowering than feeling your sharpened claws digging into the flesh of your new found enemy.

I hear talk that the unwanted human guests will be departing tomorrow, I hope that my fine handy work might have had something to do with it. I hope for the sake of the cat house they will not be coming back anytime soon. If they do, I will have my claws ready.

1 comment:

"OLD" IVF Patient said...

OMG they are mini sarahs