Sunday, March 1, 2009

Consider me a fat cat...

Hello all, sorry for not communicating sooner. I'm still recovering from Fat Tuesday. Let me tell you, I was one busy little dirty kitty. Look at all my beads! I worked my little tail off for these beauties. I never understood the whole tradition, but this year I figured what the heck, let's live on the wild side for once. I met up with this alley cat, Mr Lickums, and we ironically finagled a way to "ride the dog" all the way to New Orleans (that's took a Greyhound bus for those of you not in the know). Tang would have been in heaven, there was beer spilling EVERYWHERE! It was a whirlwind trip, many details are still a little cloudy, but I made it home safe and sound and I have my beads to dangle and tease little Ragamuffin from now until eternity.

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