Monday, March 2, 2009

Coming at you live from the Blizzard of '09...

Kitty-orologist Fuzzbucket coming at you live from blustery Connecticut. After examining the sky from my warm house, I can say with some certainly, it has officially stopped snowing. I know, I am quite talented. It does take a very keen and well trained eye to deduce such information.Tang dove right into the fluffy stuff, doing his best impression of a wild cat on the prowl. I think I've seen this pose before on the cover of Cat Fancy. He seemed to enjoy himself, even burried his head right into the blisteringly cold crystals.

Me on the other hand, I'm not a fan of this "snow". It makes my paws tingle and stands my fur on end. It crunches between my toes and I am afraid of this Jack Frost fellow my humans speak of. Do they really think he'll be nipping at my nose? Watch out Jack, I have amazing reflexes and I bet my nip can get your nose before you get mine. How would you like to walk around with a mangled mess in the middle of your face? Not sounding quite so appealing? Maybe you should think about your pasttime then, don't deal it out if you can't handle a taste of your own medicine.

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