Monday, February 23, 2009

I've got the gunz...

Hello there Bucket! Remember me? It's Tang, your arch nemesis. Hope things are going well for you there, because I have acquired a most amazing product from the thing the humans call the world wide web. I have gained access to the very secret inter web site known to the smart, as e-bay. Us in the know, have realized it's immense potential. I have obtained a very dangerous item the humans refer to as, "The Atomic ball gun." Only $5.99 with $3 shipping. This artisan crafted object of beauty will be my savior during the period I will from here on in refer to as, "The time of Fuzzy's past." It guarantees my success by annihilating all furry beasts such as yourself. Only those I deem acceptable for life (such as my buddy Ragamuffin) will be granted asylum in my new kingdom. Good luck Fuzzbucket! You are no match for my glowing plastic force of death! Mwahahahahahhhh!

1 comment:

SMom said...

The Santoleri Boat House Row looks great in the sun room!