Thursday, February 19, 2009

Here's looking at you Fuzz...

Hey there Fuzzbucket, self appointed ruler of all things cats. It's me, Ragamuffin and my sidekick Tang. We have a bone to pick with you. We are sick of you strutting around thinking your litter don't stink. Yeah, I said it. Well you know what Bucket? Sadly, you're right. Stupid humans got that new world's best litter crap. But that's besides the point. You know what I mean. You think you are all high and mighty. Well you know what? Tang and I are great climbers. Let's see how mighty you are when we double team sneak attack your fuzzy butt. Why do you have the name Fuzzbucket anyway? If anything I should be the fuzzbucket, look at my beautiful flowing long silky smooth and soft...I mean, rugged, manly, dirt laden tail. Yeah, what the heck is with the name Ragamuffin anyway. Muffin, really? Am I something for people to eat? Anyway, names aside, if I were you Bucket, I'd always be looking over my shoulder. You never know when a coup is going to rise up and overthrow the ruling power. Consider this a warning, be afraid. Be very afraid!

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