Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Backyard Safari

I love the warm weather we have been having lately. Though my humans do not like to let me outside, they mumble something about coyotes, dogs, hawks, and cars; I whine and cry until they agree to accompany me in my adventures. I guess supervised fun is better than no fun at all, though sometimes they make me feel like I'm some sort of criminal.

This kitty does not enjoy being watched like a hawk. I like my freedom. We have an acre of property crawling with little critters. This girl wants to get at them. Last I checked, catching a chipmunk is not a crime in Connecticut.

Judging from the sheer number I see running around our property there is no shortage in the population. I believe there should be some sort of prize for trapping and perhaps disposing of the little vermin. I think I should single handedly start the population control that so obviously needs to take place in the chipmunk department. Maybe I can get Tang and Ragamuffin to join me in my quest to control the Connecticut chipmunk population. All we have to do is figure out how to get the humans out of our fur while we are outside.


"OLD" IVF Patient said...

I would let you hunt to your heart's desire!

Unknown said...

Hi Fuzz,

I have heard the most awful news... that you're sick! I hope that it is only a rumor, but all the same, I hope that you are feeling well. Remember, shrews are not your friends...