Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Backyard Safari

I love the warm weather we have been having lately. Though my humans do not like to let me outside, they mumble something about coyotes, dogs, hawks, and cars; I whine and cry until they agree to accompany me in my adventures. I guess supervised fun is better than no fun at all, though sometimes they make me feel like I'm some sort of criminal.

This kitty does not enjoy being watched like a hawk. I like my freedom. We have an acre of property crawling with little critters. This girl wants to get at them. Last I checked, catching a chipmunk is not a crime in Connecticut.

Judging from the sheer number I see running around our property there is no shortage in the population. I believe there should be some sort of prize for trapping and perhaps disposing of the little vermin. I think I should single handedly start the population control that so obviously needs to take place in the chipmunk department. Maybe I can get Tang and Ragamuffin to join me in my quest to control the Connecticut chipmunk population. All we have to do is figure out how to get the humans out of our fur while we are outside.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Feeding time at the zoo

I'm all about a little wet food from time to time. The sound of the can opener brings the saliva to my mouth. Feeding time used to be so much more enjoyable before the little Ragamuffin was around. I had space to enjoy my meal. Now, I'm shoulder to shoulder with my competition. It is a little unnerving.

To make matters worse, little Rags has a most unpleasant odor to him. My humans and the vet attribute this stench to something they call a skunk. I'm not too sure what this "skunk" is, but I must say, I'm currently not very fond of the creature. Anything that can create an odor that lingers as long this musky scent has on the new kitty's fur must be a pawn of the devil.

I have enjoyed watching my humans soak little rags in the indoor rain shower. They even sprayed him with some weird soaps featuring a black and white little furry animal on the can. I hope this situation is resolved soon. I'd like to start enjoying my meals again without an olfactory assault each time the little man tries to eat near me.

Until then, I'm not going to tolerate meals in between Tang and Rags, a cat can only take so much abuse.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Happy Birthday to Tang

Woooo Hoooo, I'm finally 2. The best thing about getting older is all the junk you get wrapped in fun paper and ribbons. Boy I love ribbons, they are almost as fun as crusty mouse toys. Well, it's Cinco de Mayo and you all know how I love to get my drink on. Check you later.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Let's Wrassle!

Hey all, it's Tang here. I have realized this new addition to the household is not too bad. I have always wanted a wrasslin' buddy and now I have finally found one. Fuzzbucket has never been much for physical altercations, something about fur placement and looking good for her fans.

My humans might have gotten something right here. I won't lie, I did think they were off their gourds when they brought this furry trouble maker home last week, but I will admit they may not be as dumb as they look. I look forward to playing with this little menace for a long while.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I finally caught one!

After many weeks stalking them down, I finally succeeded in overtaking a chipmunk. I was so excited with my catch I quickly ran to the front door to give my humans their prize. Little did I know their apparent dislike for such a cute and fun toy.

I thought it was the perfect gift, sweet, cuddly and occasionally squeaky. Everything a person could want. I figured I could sneak it inside and let it go in the house for everyone to enjoy. Judging by the way he races around the house, I bet Ragamuffin would have had a field day with the little chippy.

My human did not seem to appreciate my choice in gift this time. She was actually kind of mad at me. I'm not sure what she is afraid of. A chipmunk is about half the size of her fist, what did she think it could possibly do to her? I just don't understand humans, they don't know a good gift when it come squeaking at their front door.